Services Offered to OIL members
Confidential, independent consultancy offered to each member on
  - Expansion of their business - purchase / merger
  - Sale of their business
DGSA consultancy.
Daily crude oil price movements- plus market reports.
Information on changing legislation relevant to the oil distribution sector.
Driver Training / DGSA courses sourced and arranged.
Data gathering on
  - world oil markets crude / $ exchange etc.
  - Irish majors market - collation of Schedule price lists.
Sourcing oil tankers for sale and finance for same.



Projects for 2001
1. Setting up of Website to provide members with daily updates on all aspects of matters relevant to the Oil distribution trade.
2. To expand Oil Industry Links by offering services to all Irish Oil Distributors. At present the membership is based mainly in the Munster region.
3. As the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and employment has signed into Law on Jan 17th 2001 the safety advisers for the transport of dangerous goods by road and rail regulations, G. Byrne, a qualified DGSA will offer consultancy to Oil distributors.
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